How to curl your extensions

THE natural extensions (Remy Hair) have the advantage of being able to be completed and smoothed. So discover all our tips for a successful curls.


Close your hair with a curling iron

Bring a curling iron about 19 cm in diameter (this will allow you to obtain beautiful curls neither too tight nor too loose) and a thermo-protector spray (essential to protect your hair from heat ). Then enter a wick a few centimeters thick, apply a few spray shots on it and distribute the product using a brush. Then wrap your wick around the iron (stopping at the height of your temples), wait ten seconds and release it. Repeat the operation all over the hair. Once your curls are finished, slightly waste your hair to get a stylish look of the most beautiful effect and fix everything with a veil of lacquer.

Trick : For more marked undulations, fix your rolls with two flat pliers after removing the iron. Then wait until your hair cools to undo it. Perfect for a retro look!


Curf your hair with flat iron

To quickly obtain beautiful undulations, separate your hair into two equal parts (as if to make braids). Enter the first half of your hair and twist it on itself. Then apply a pressure of a few seconds with a flat iron along your hair, going from top to bottom. Repeat the operation on the other side.


Close your hair with a hair dryer

Do you have no iron or are in a hurry? No problem, you just need to twist a still damp bread and pass it to the hair dryer. Repeat the operation all over the hair and you are ready.